Have you ever felt the tug of a story within you, a book waiting to be written? Perhaps you’ve contemplated sharing your experiences or lessons, whether fiction or nonfiction, that could resonate and make a difference in someone’s life. Now, more than ever, is the opportune moment
Author: Katelyn Silva
Are you harboring a book within you, hesitant to release it due to fears about reception or uncertainties about its impact? In this blog, I’ll delve into valuable insights shared in my podcast episodes. Let’s explore three transformative tips for aspiring authors. Check out the
As we’re getting into the holiday season and reviewing the year, do you tend to let everything go and start again in the new year… Or do you make a final push to accomplish the goal you set at the beginning? In this video, I challenge you
Avoid This Common Mistake With Your Book Cover When Publishing November 9th, 2022, Katelyn Silva In today’s publishing industry where it’s become so accessible to publish your own book, authors are making many big mistakes and then realizing it too late. In this video, I address one
Why Word Count Doesn’t Matter I see it all the time: writers asking, “How many words do I need for my story?” or “Is there a certain word count or chapter count I need to aim for?” or some variety. In the industry, there are certain ‘standards’
Plan Your Content If you’re considering adding a blog to your site, you’ll want to have a plan beforehand. Planning your blog will help your subject matter remain consistent over time. It’ll also help you determine whether or not there’s enough material to maintain a steady stream of posts. One